Website Difficulties??
Although I am plenty knowledgeable about the game of basketball, I have no experience creating a website. Through the last week of classes, we were fortunate enough to have Matthew Marco and Ceci Dadisman come talk to the class about web navigation and how people interact with websites.
I have never created a website before. By having no experience or really an understanding of what I had to do to create a successful website, it was really important to hear what Matthew Marco had to say. He talked about different types of navigation that websites use, such as breadcrumb navigation or card sorting. I decided that the best way my website would operate would be through card sorting. I have several different categories in my menu, all which are easy to navigate to and find. By using navigation correctly, Marco talked about how I can influence my brand in a positive manner, and create an easy and functioning website for my target audience to browse.
The biggest takeaway from having Ceci Dadisman speak to us was that we needed to identify who our target demographic was going to be. She talked about how when people interact with websites, 80% of navigation is done above the fold, and people like reaching information without having to scroll. I have created the main categories of my website in this section, so people can navigate to this information quickly, all while still maintaining their attention.
Having the guest speakers so far has been really informative as I have had no experience with websites in the past. By using what they've taught so far, I feel like I've created the basis of a really good website, and something that YOU all should check out!